A woman sitting on top of a wooden bench holding a dog.

Free Yourself FROM THE BONDAGE OF 'self'

Here at A Center of Freedom through the Spiritual Practices of Meditation, Music and Truth messages we discover 'a new Self'. With commitment to this New Life we become free at last.

Linda Gallagher is the Director of "a Center of Freedom", a spiritual center located in Martinez, California. The Center is dedicated to the Prayer of St. Francis which is about devoting one’s life in faith, surrender and love to the Principles of True Christed Living...a life of selfless love and service.

The Center had its beginning in Pleasant Hill, California in 1990. As it grew out of its “then” home it was led to a new venue which is now 27 years young. The current address is located on a 2 ½ acre parcel of land which was a desert in the beginning (barely a tree in sight). This perfect new home greeted the hearts of those who found their work waiting for them on many levels. The message given at the time was simply: “Feed My Sheep”...if you have been given lemons, then make the best lemonade possible! And, so the work began.

Today it is a different story. "a Center of Freedom" is thriving in this beautiful space. Over 700 trees, vines, bushes, fruit orchards, flower gardens, fountains, etc. have been planted and a certified wildlife sanctuary now calls this a home to many birds, bees, butterflies, animals, etc. As to date there are 5 cabins for meditation and visitors and a main building for prayer, meditation, devotional singing and service. There is a weekly active schedule which can be found on the “schedule” link along with various workshops and retreats during the course of the year. The Center is open and available at all times. One can find devotees meditating at 5:30am Monday through Friday in one of the cabins besides many others stopping by to look in the bookstore for some inspiration or to walk on the property feeling the great peace that exists here.

Who is behind all of this?  Clearly, The Presence is the motivating factor that has prompted Linda Gallagher to act as the founder and director of this Center. However, this is: “The ministry of The Christ, not our ministry. All who are led here have been called to The Christ...not dependent upon each other but sharing with each other God’s Abundant Grace. God’s Grace governs, maintains, sustains, protects and prospers This, His Mighty Ministry”.

We do not ask for anything of those who come to the Center for we are a “not-for-profit” spiritual center. We are grateful to receive love offerings or donations and have a basket for that purpose in the bookstore. We have come to recognize the Principle that it is in “giving that we all receive”. Therefore, as everyone gives for the true purpose of the “whole”, everyone advances.

The main mission of the Center is to create an outer atmosphere that is physically, emotionally and spiritually supportive for the Inner Work of receiving The Experience of The Indwelling Presence. When one begins to have an actual “felt” Experience, then we become a transparency for the Unlimited Light and Love that IS. Those who are dedicated to this work have been shown that “the quiet mind” is the perfect state for a life of love and service to manifest. And, as love and service becomes one’s intent The Way Is opened and thus demonstrated.

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Any one who comes to the Center.

True transformation comes from surrender to a higher quality of living.

Reach Out to Us Today

For more information about A Center of Freedom, call (925) 360-0451 . Reach out to us to learn more about our current schedule. We look forward to hearing from you!

Reach Out to Us Today

For more information about A Center of Freedom, call (925) 360-0451 . Reach out to us to learn more about our current schedule. We look forward to hearing from you!